How are we?

Curious about the progress on the Remaster? You'll find all the information here! What's new with us? How's the work going? What have we been up to lately? Come and see!
7 May 2024 by
How are we?
Przygody Reksia Remastered, MRX

As you can see, our website has undergone a small redesign. We've added prominent social media icons so you can follow the project across various corners of the Internet. You'll find all the links in the menu bar and in the footer of each subpage. The website will continue to evolve as time goes on. 

We also joined X (Twitter)! Follow us there and be up to date with our every activity.

Reksio and The Pirates' Treasure Remastered Edition

Currently, we're working on the announced expansion: "Rzeka" (The River), which will be available to you no later than the end of the second quarter. Sharp-eyed observers may have noticed that the deadline has been pushed back. The reason is very simple - we didn't manage to complete all the planned work. A significant portion of the first few months of the year was devoted to fixing bugs reported by players. We managed to eliminate a significant portion of them! If anything changes, we'll keep you informed through our social media channels. For now, we can present you with a few small treats that we hope will satisfy your appetite.

We've completely rebuilt the animation system to be more faithful to the original. Until now, all animations worked linearly and always looked the same. Currently, each animation has several variants that are randomly selected, ensuring a natural way of expressing characters.

The Beach level

We've added a new area to the beach and a new inventory item. The adventure stage has been subtly redesigned to accommodate the new content. These are not huge changes, but they require us to record new dialog lines for Robinson Kozoe!

The River level

Full programming work is underway on the "River" expansion. The stage turned out to be more complex than we anticipated. Many elements, many conditions, and dependencies between them. Did you know, for example, that Reksio has three different animations when falling into the water (when dropped by a turtle, snake, and crocodile)?

The Village and Pirates' Atack

We will soon complete all the necessary graphic work for the implementation of Pirate Attack and the Village into the game. Animations held us up for a while. We focused not only on updating the old content but also on adding new content. Meet Master Dariusz, a new resident of the village helping with its expansion! Will you help him find his lost item?

Our secret project

As a project, we have decided to step into unfamiliar territory. We have been working for a long time on a mysterious project, which will allow you to observe how Reksio and the Pirate's Treasure Remastered Edition is created and actively participate in its development. However, more information will be available soon...

For now please enjoy our game demo and stay tuned for more informations. See you soon!

How are we?
Przygody Reksia Remastered, MRX 7 May 2024

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