Meet our new team members!

The Remaster Team grows and recruitment process is not over!
26 February 2024 by
Meet our new team members!
Przygody Reksia Remastered, MRX

We welcome you to more news regarding Remaster Project.

First and foremost, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for the tremendous dedication you have put into the project. Every person who reported a bug, wrote suggestions, or even shared their opinion contributes to the game's creation and refinement to perfection. We are proud to announce that the project has generated interest from over two thousand individuals. The demo has been played by over 500 players, and from what we can see, you are thrilled. 😃

We thank you dearly one more time and we keep it up! 

Over the past few weeks, we have received a ton of applications from you expressing interest in joining the project. We have managed to establish cooperation with several of you, which has allowed our team to grow by a few incredibly creative and ambitious individuals. With their contribution, the project can now be carried out smoothly, without unexpected interruptions or major issues. So, let's meet our team! 

The backbone of our project consists of three individuals who enabled you to try out the demo so far. : 

 ✏️ Hello there! My name is Kamil (MRX)

The Adventures of Reksio is the main reason why I decided to pursue an artistic path. To this day, I draw tremendous inspiration from them, not only in drawing but also in every creative project. I am one of the two people overseeing the entire project and defining its direction. I am responsible for creating graphics, backgrounds, animations, and other artistic works that you may have encountered so far.

📀 Hi there! I'm Bogdan

I am the second person managing the entire project, and together with Kamil, we determine the direction of the entire project. We plan how to modify the original, what new content to expand it with, and what we are currently focusing on. I mainly deal with programming and overseeing the entire game in Unity. I have spent countless hours playing Reksio games, and I still enjoy returning to them. I discover completely new delights in them because these games were created to offer something for every age group. If I had to say what I value most about the Adventures of Reksio, I would say it's the people, the people I've met both online through groups and Discord, and at conventions, which are the best opportunity to meet and chat with other young gamers as well as the creators of the series. Overall, it's the coolest fandom I know!

📀 Hi! I'm Julia (Luneł)    

Some of you may know me because I had the opportunity to participate in the final of the Przygody Reksia knowledge contest at Kretescon 2023. The whole series is an integral part of my childhood. My favorite installment is Reksio i Czarodzieje, and in the entire series, I especially appreciate the timeless, witty dialogues and Bartek Brosz's unique drawing style. I am a programmer, and in the project, I am responsible for fixing bugs and all other necessary corrections (improving smoothness, proper animation playback, etc.).

Our team grows:

✏️Welcome! My name is Krzysztof (K.Leszcz)

The series of Reksio's adventures is associated with an intriguing plot, likable characters, extraordinary humor, rich graphics, and atmospheric music. You might know me from several Reksio fan arts and the comic "Na Kopiec Kreta i Kilimandżaro." In the project, I am responsible for preparing graphics and animations, and I will also have the opportunity to lend my voice to several characters.

🎼 Hi! I am Bałtek    

Some of you may know me from my arrangement of the song "Reksio and the Wizards," which I shared on the fan group on Facebook. You can listen to it !

The series of Reksio's adventures sparked my love for adventure games and played a significant role in shaping my sense of humor at the time. It was, of course, thanks to it that my fascination with music began. Mr. Brosz's compositions inspired me to create soundtracks for games, and for many years, I have been perfecting my skills in this field. In the project, I am responsible for overseeing the music and all sound-related matters. I hope that my efforts will be appreciated by you.  

📝 Hello! My name is Bartek (barlitto)

In the project, I'm responsible for all the articles on the website, social media, and keeping you informed about the project's progress. You may know me from my hobbyist blog about adventure games, where I try to share information about projects coming out of the Reksio community. "Przygody Reksia" is my favorite game series, allowing me to reminisce about the good old times. Thanks to them, I also discovered my love for point-and-click games. I adore their elaborate plot, numerous references to previous installments, and excellent humor.

Follow us on social media!

We know that sometimes it's hard to keep track of our project on the Discord channel, and it's not convenient for everyone, so... we decided to try our hand on other platforms too! We've created a Twitter and Facebook account for the project to have better interaction with you and reach out to completely new people who haven't heard about our project yet. Facebook ​ 

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Don't forget to follow us on social media!

Meet our new team members!
Przygody Reksia Remastered, MRX 26 February 2024

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