Early Access!

Można już zagrać w Reksio i Skarb Piratów Remastered we Wczesnym Dostępie!
19 December 2023 by
Early Access!
Przygody Reksia Remastered, MRX
Download Reksio and The Pirates' Treasure Remastered Edition in Early Access


To begin with

After over two years of work, the project can finally see the light of day and be released into the world! We've tried to prepare the most accurate and polished version of the game before making it available to the public. Did we manage to achieve this goal? We leave that up to your judgment!

Taking a moment, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to the original creators of the PR series games. Thanks to you, we were able to test our abilities in creating a computer game. We remember all the kind words and the help we received. Without them, this project wouldn't look the same.

Reksio and The Pirates' Treasure Remastered Edition - The Beach

What is Early Access?

Early access is a form of releasing an unfinished game. New gameplay components, features, and other game elements are added over time. The current form of the game is not final and may change completely. In early access, nothing is set in stone. A bug may appear in one version only to be forgotten in the next. Early access is also a form of gentleman's agreement between us and you. We release the game earlier; you know it doesn't have to be fully polished.

The game in early access phase allows us the greatest flexibility in further project development. If we want to completely rebuild a level, we have the freedom to do so without worrying about ruining someone's experience. From now on, the project will be very dynamic. Over time, we plan to introduce completely new mechanics into the game, such as difficulty levels or a speedrun mode... Oops! I think I've revealed too much...

What is included in 1.0?

Lets disscous what is included in our game:

6 locations

With upgraded content.

617 frames of characters

All characters must move in some way.

8 hand drawn backgrounds

Thanks to which you can feel the atmosphere.

3 cutscenes

Giving live to old game.

1524 code lines

Crab walks thanks to them.

38 bugfixes

Thanks to which (we hope) you may now finish the game.

Tousands of ideas

where we should head next

Countless hours

Our work, thoughts - that's why the project is given now to you!

Reksio and The Pirates' Treasure Remastered Edition - The Beach

Join our team!

If you like what you see right now, there's nothing stopping you from applying to join our small team. The fan-based nature of the project means that any help meeting our requirements will be greatly appreciated. We have prepared a special form for this purpose. More information will also be posted in a separate post on the website.

Join our team!

What if I find a bug?

Errors in the Early Access version are something we must reckon with and address decisively. We have prepared a special page for reporting bugs and tracking progress in resolving them.  

Report a bug

Early Access!
Przygody Reksia Remastered, MRX 19 December 2023

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