Our Team

Meet our Team

Hi! I'm Bogdan. I'm the second person managing the entire project, together with Kamil we determine the direction of the whole project. We plan how to modify the original, what new content to add, and what we are currently focusing on. I mainly deal with programming and managing the entire game in Unity. I've spent countless hours playing Reksio games and I still enjoy coming back to them, discovering completely new details, because after all, these games were created to offer something for every age group. If I were to say what I value most about Reksio's Adventures, I would say it's the people, the people I've met both online through the group and Discord, and at conventions, which are the best opportunity to meet and chat with other young gamers and the creators of the series. Overall, it's the coolest fandom I know!

Kamil (MRX)
Hi! I'm Kamil (MRX). Reksio's Adventures are the main reason why I decided to pursue an artistic path. To this day, they inspire me immensely, not only in drawing but also in every creative project. I am one of the two people overseeing the entire project and clarifying its direction. I am responsible for creating graphics, backgrounds, animations, and other artistic works you may have encountered so far.

Julia (Luneł)
Hey! I'm Julia (Luneł). Some of you may remember me because I had the opportunity to participate in the Reksio Adventures knowledge contest finals at Kretescon 2023. The whole series is an integral part of my childhood. My favorite installment is "Reksio i Czarodzieje," and what I love most about the entire series are the timeless, witty dialogues, as well as Bartek Brosz's unique drawing style. I'm a programmer, and in the project, I'm responsible for bug fixes and all other necessary adjustments (improving fluidity, proper playback of animations, etc.).

Krzysztof (K.Leszcz)
Hello! I'm Krzysztof (K.Leszcz). The Reksio Adventures series is associated with an intriguing storyline, likable characters, unique humor, rich graphics, and atmospheric music for me. You may know me from several Reksio fanarts and the comic "Na Kopiec Kreta i Kilimandżaro". In the project, I'm involved in preparing graphics and animations, and I'll also have the opportunity to lend my voice to several characters.

Bartek (barlitto)
Hey! I'm Bartek (barlitto). In the project, I'm responsible for all articles on the website, social media, and keeping you informed about the project's progress. You may know me from my hobbyist blog about adventure games, where I try to spread information about projects emerging from the Reksio community. The Reksio Adventures series is my favorite game series, which allows me to "soften" into the good old times. Thanks to them, I also discovered my love for point-and-click games. I love their elaborate storyline, numerous references to previous installments, and excellent humor.

Liliana (Lili)
Hej! Jestem Liliana (Lili)
Możecie mnie kojarzyć z muzycznych projektów, którymi dzielę się na Yt-bowym kanale oraz ze współpracy nad albumami Rex Adventures Symphony (z Bartkiem Broszem), jak i Dark Side of the Mole (z KKR-em). Seria Przygód Reksia towarzyszyła mi już w dzieciństwie. Mimo zawyżonego poziomu trudności zawsze niezwykle miło mi się kojarzyła. Bardzo doceniałam wszystkie jej warstwy; muzykę, fabułę i grafikę. W projekcie Remastera odpowiadam za udźwiękowienie wybranych elementów plansz oraz kompozycję nowego soundtracku.

Jacek (Wujaszek Jack)
Siemanko! Jestem Jacek (Wujaszek Jack).
Możecie kojarzyć mnie z udziału w słuchowiskach Fedora, a także z poprowadzenia konkursu dubbingowego na Kretesconie 2024. Gry Reksia kojarzą mi się przede wszystkim z dzieciństwem, gdy przechodziłem je w kółko z mamą i bratem, odnajdując i rozumiejąc coraz więcej treści i nawiązań z każdym podejściem. Najbardziej lubię w tych produkcjach ich styl, humor i absurdalny, ale jednak ciekawy i rozbudowany świat, jaki przedstawiały. W projekcie zajmuję się dubbingiem oraz storytellingiem, podejmuję próby wprowadzenia faceta z kosą.